Mango Frooti Recipe | How to make mango frooti drink | mango fruity | Summer Drink | मेंगो फ्रूटी

Madhu's Cooking YouTube channel  

Mango frooti recipe | how to make frooti mango drink | मेंगो फ्रूटी घर पर बनाए | homemade mango fruity with english subtitles in video. Frooti is a summer refreshing drink made with raw & ripe mangoes. It will be healthy also, as we are preparing with jaggery.

mango frooti recipe | how to make frooti mango drink | homemade mango fruity with english subtitles in video recipe. To lower the body temperature and to hydrate the body, many try various tropical fruit and their corresponding beverages. One such popular indian drink is mango frooti made with a combination of raw and ripe mangoes.

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  1.  Peeled Ripe Mango pieces - 2 cups
  2.  Raw mango pieces - 1/2 cup
  3.  Jaggery - 3/4 cup
  4.  Water - 2, 3 cups divide

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